"Reality changes words far more than words can ever change reality." --Mark Forsyth | ||
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Your Daily Word
Word for Today
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Verse of the Day
Unite my heart to fear Your name Psalms 86:11
ESV 11 Teach me your way, O Lord,
that I may walk in your truth;
unite my heart to fear your name.
Love and Truth
Psalm 26:3
Walk in truth and be lead by love. These are twins of wise living. Love is our leader and truth our motivator. Love is our strategy and truth our tactic. Love is our goal and truth our inspiration. Love is our encouragement and truth our obedience. We need both to become better followers of Jesus. We are not under the bondage of the law, but we are under the sweet constraints of grace. Love, without truth, can be deceived with every new form of teaching. It can be easily swayed by emotion instead of remaining stable and confident in Christ. Truth without love becomes judgmental and harsh. It goes through the right motions while resentment builds unabated. Love and truth work together so we are able to live a compelling Christian life. They bring us into balance.
This is why we look forward to the love of God as a guide for our faith. Faith trusts God to accomplish His own decrees. This is why we do not have to steal, for we know God will provide for His children. This is why we do not have to get back at others in revenge, because God can and will handle them in His timing and in His way. This is what it means to be led by the love of God. You can trust God’s love to dispense justice when appropriate, and extend grace and forgiveness as needed. He sees the bigger picture and knows what is necessary to draw others closer to Christ. This is why we look ahead to the love of God. When we look to love as the leader, we trust. We follow love by faith.
Secondly, we walk grounded in truth. Truth governs our faith. Truth keeps us rooted in reality. It is obedience to God’s truth that proves our love for Him. Truth takes us back to the question, “What does the Almighty think I should be and do?” We walk in truth because it preserves us from sinful behavior. It is the assurance of God’s promises that causes us to imitate them as well as believe. Like a pilot who depends on instruments, radar, radio and GPS (Global Positioning System) to guide him on the best path to the right destination, so we walk in truth expecting the Lord’s best outcome. Some talk of truth, but it is much better to walk in truth. Some vow to do better in the future, but their resolutions come to nothing. Avoid those who say one thing and do another.
A companion of fools suffers harm (Proverbs 13:20). Stay away from those who stray from the truth. It may be a pastor, teacher, friend, or business client who handles the truth loosely. They lie even when the truth will do. These are vain people. Do not sit with them and be drawn in by their charisma. They are deceptive. However, those who walk in the truth will at times tell you things you do not want to hear. They are your internist on eternal matters. So listen when they prescribe doses of truth. The medicine may be bitter, but if applied, it will heal your heart. Therefore, walk in truth, and walk with those who walk in truth. Love leads and truth follows. Go with God. Go to Him often and receive gladly his infinite love and insightful truth. He is both.